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Parsa Jungle Safari

Trip Cost: USD 250

Parsa Jungle Safari is quite interesting in Parsa National Park at 435 m to 950 m (Churia hills), established in 2017 covers 637.39 sq km, south-central lowland Terai Region of Nepal. This park spread across Parsa, Bara, Makwanpur, and the Chitwan districts. It adjoins Chitwan National Park to the west.  Once the park was Parsa Wildlife Reserve (499 sq. km.) in 1984.  This place was used as a vacation site for Rana Rulers of Nepal. 

The national park forest is composed of tropical and subtropical species of Sal tree by 90 %. In the Churia hills, Chir pine, Khair, Sissoo, and Silk Cotton tree grows. Sabai Grass is found on the southern face of the hills. The soil is composed of gravel and conglomerates, which easily to erosion. These hills present a rugged face with numerous gullies and dry streambeds. These foothills are porous, water flows underground and surfaces at a distance of about 15 km. from the base of the hill. This Churia hill ranges from 750m to 950m running east to west. 

Parsa Jungle Safari is an impressive wildlife viewing program in Parsa National Park with 300 kinds of birds, 32 mammal species, and 14 reptiles. There are White-breasted Kingfisher, Paradise flycatcher, large racquet-tailed drongo, Golden-backed woodpecker bird. The giant hornbill is an endangered bird species are found in some forest patches. This park is famous for reptiles and different kinds of snakes include common Cobra, Common and banded Krait, Python and King cobra. There are endangered species of fauna, such as wild Asian elephant, Royal Bengal tiger (18), Sloth bear, and Leopard. There is a blue bull, Sambar, Chital, Hog deer, Barking deer, Languor, Rhesus macaques, striped hyena, Jungle cat, and Palm civet. 


In winter from October to December remains a clear sky. Temperatures can drop to 0°C. In spring from January to March temperatures grows. In the summer from April to June, temperatures rise up to 40° Celsius, which cause the days to become hot and humid. The monsoon remains from July to September. 

How to reach the Park 

This Park headquarters is situated at Adhabar on Hetauda-Birgunj highway, 22 km south of Hetauda and 20 km north of Birgunj. A Jeep from  Dakshinkali, Kathmandu takes 5 hours to reach. Simara Airport is 7 km away from it. A flight from Kathmandu takes only 15 minutes to reach Simara Airport. 

Park Entrance

1. Nepali people 56.5 Rupee (Free for below 10)

2. SAARC Nationals 565 Rupee (Free for below 10)

3. Foreigners 1130 Rupee (Free for below 10)